2011年5月3日 星期二

Stress Relief: Is Back Pain The Answer?

Stress relief is now one of the most important issues in your working and personal life. Many companies are now being sued for creating a stressful workplace, so much so that back pain and other health issues are occurring.

So is stress causing you to suffer from back pain?

Back pain is the second most common cause for someone to seek help from their doctor. It is only behind cold and flu. It is now causing more lost days to illness than any other illness. It is also the most closely related to stress.

You may have heard of the saying ..."stress rides on your shoulders".

Actually stress causes muscles to tighten and then as a result the joints in the area move less freely creating back pains. The most common site of pain is in the areas you use more.

With sitting in a desk, working on keyboards etc, the upper back is more commonly associated with stress back pain. It is not just the physical stress that causes this. When you are mentally concentrating you lean your head forward, which overloads your upper back. The upper back is also the site that feed nerve supply to your immune system, so it can be over taxed on a daily basis in an office environment.

Stress relief therefore needs to incorporate not just typical stress relief techniques to relax the mind. It also needs to incorporate stress relief techniques that remove and prevent back pain.

So any technique you use needs to encompass both. Stress relief should be a holistic approach. If you fail to remove one side to your stress, other stress symptoms will occur. Incorporating physical stress relief techniques will remove and prevent back pain. Used with the typical mental stress relief techniques and stress may fade completely from your physical and mental health.

So what types of stress techniques are there and how can you apply them?

To remove back pain a simple walk to ease muscular tension at the end of the day can work miracles. As it also helps to relieve the mental pressures also. Meditation relaxes the mind as much as it does the body, so also an ideal tool for relieving back pain from stress.

There are numerous other less common but highly effective stress relief techniques that cover both. The 'Phone Book' method is still one of the most effective as it relieves physical and mental pressures it seconds - literally. There are also many Acupressure exercises designed to remove back pain and reduce stress, which have been used for hundreds of years. These are only coming out of the east in recent years. All very effective and quick in acting.

Stress relief needs to be improved. The typical methods of stress relief only ever deal with one aspect of stress. Back pain will cause more grief and illness, and its' most common cause is stress. Utilizing stress relief techniques to remove back pains and stress is the key for total stress relief.

Dr Graeme Teague is an expert on stress and the affects it has on health. His unique and fresh views on anxiety, depression and stress are a welcome change. His web site Fast Stress Relief.com is designed to give you all the information and facts on how and why stress affects you, and more importantly simple, proven and natural ways to eliminate anxiety, depression and stress.

To learn more about anxiety and how you can eliminate it - click here... Anxiety [http://www.fast-stress-relief.com/anxieties.html].

Or you can visit his site, and find more information on various stress problems and how you can overcome them... Home Page [http://www.fast-stress-relief.com]!

His new web site on Back Pain is just being released, you can now visit the Back Pain Advisor!

