2011年6月3日 星期五

World War 2 PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Documentary - Let There Be Light (1946) [DVD]

World War 2 PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Documentary - Let There Be Light (1946) [DVD]This post-WWII John Huston film documents the psychiatric treatment of war veterans and shell shocked soldiers participating in a 10-week recovery program in a Long Island hospital. The 1946 documentary so poignantly captures the painful, touching side of recovery and the return back into civilian life that it was actually banned for a time after its release. Even though it was commissioned by the U.S. government, the film came off as a potentially demoralizing example of war trauma. In the footage, 75 Soldiers are filmed through the entire psychiatric process, from admission, evaluation and diagnosis to the various forms of treatment, including counseling, hypnosis, and psychological exams. Let There Be Light was the third chapter of Huston's trilogy of films for the government, and it remains a thought-provoking and tasteful documentation of WWII military psychiatry and the human side of psychosomatic disabilities spawned by war.

Price: $16.99

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2011年6月2日 星期四

Acute Stress Disorder Tran Health Women's Dark T-Shirt by CafePress

Acute Stress Disorder Tran Health Women's Dark T-Shirt by CafePressOur 100% cotton women's tee is preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cottonStandard fit Health Tee, TShirt, Shirt. About our Women's Dark T-Shirt: Our 100% cotton women's tee is preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cotton. Standard fit..

Price: $25.00

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Three Stress Relief Activities For Kids

When talking about the stress that today's children experience there are two basic schools of thought. One school says that there is no added stress and that the stress level of today's generation of children is no different than previous generations of children. The other school of thought states that the children of today are under enormous pressure to succeed academically and socially. This school of thought further asserts that because of these increased pressures there is tremendous stress that is experienced.

Regardless of which school of thought the reader may be associated with, it is important to practice stress relief activities for kids at an early age. These stress relief activities for kids will help the young child to cope with any stress that they are currently experiencing and will create good habits in dealing with stress in later life. A few stress relief activities for kids include the involvement in hobbies, practicing meditation and calming activities before bedtime.


One simple but powerful stress relieving activity is through the use of a hobby. A hobby is that activity that is practiced or accomplished in which there are no expectations. It is simply a pastime that is done for the sheer enjoyment of the enthusiast.

A hobby can be the involvement in a sport, creation of a craft, woodworking, coin collecting, etc. Examples can include the playing of chess, bowling or playing softball, working in the woodshop building a bird house, etc. Again, the purpose of taking up a hobby as a stress relief activity for kids is to provide a diversion and not an additional activity that requires the person to excel or be the best.


Another excellent stress relief activity for kids is through the use of meditation. Meditation is simply a time set-aside during the course of the day to release the mind from the bombarding thoughts of the day. This is simply accomplished by concentrating on one's breathing and releasing the thoughts that would endeavor to enter the mind.

Also, another technique to help facilitate meditation and practicing stress relief activities for kids is through the vocalization of a mantra. A mantra is simply a word or number of words that help the individual to meditate. When the mantra is vocalized the other thoughts are diffused and oneness with the individual's spirit is obtained.

The use of meditation not only helps to relieve stress, but has a powerful effect on the other physiological functions. One of those physical benefits of meditation is a reduction in blood pressure.

Calming Activities Before Bedtime

Of all the stress relief activities for kids, probably the most practical is the use of calming activities before the child's bedtime. This can be simply accomplished by turning off the television an hour or so before bedtime. This simple measure will allow the child to begin their resting period and calm down before going to sleep.

Also, before bedtime, other stress relief activities for kids can be incorporated. Therefore, practicing meditation, yoga or enjoying a relaxing bedtime story can do wonders to reduce the stress level in the child or can help to create good habits as they mature into adulthood.

healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief has other well-written and helpful articles not only related to 3 simple techniques for stress relief [http://www.healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief/articles/3-Simple-Techniques-for-Stress-Relief-.html], but also other information and resources related to stress relief [http://www.healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief/sitemap/index.html].

This article may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

2011年6月1日 星期三

How to Get Natural Stress Relief Remedies

The individuality and uniqueness of each one signifies the fact that not all of men have the same type of stress and causes also vary. Due to this the gravity of the impact of stress on each man also differs, from which relief techniques will also follow.

There are cases of stress that needs some medical attention, this are known to be the worst stage, which is the effect of ineffective management of stress in early stage, or unable to cope with stress making one suffer a prolonged stress effect. This situation often causes them to take drug medications just to pacify stress and its worst effects. One of the reasons why stress should be treated and given attention at early stage is that, as long as it could be prevented to take drug medications do so, because some medications sometimes can cause side effects which may also threaten us.

It's been believed that in the case of stress, most relievers and therapies are all natural. Experts believe that almost all stress natural relief doesn't have scientific explanation of its effectiveness but all of them are known not only to relieve stress but also strengthen the mind and body's defense against stress.

There are many natural stress relievers that are available for use in the market. When we say natural stress relief most of the time, we think of herbs as its major component, it maybe right but not most of the time it's only herbs or plants that is associated with natural stress relief, as long as the practice is dome naturally, such as yoga and other forms of meditations it would still be considered as part of natural relief.

As said that some natural stress relief has not been proven scientifically effective, but what natural stress relief techniques can boasts is that it has lesser or zero side effects compare to most drug medications. The perfect way on how to get the fullness of effectiveness of natural stress relief remedies is to first check what causes your stress.

Determining the common stressors that sprung on your daily routine would enable you to determine what type of natural stress relief remedy that you believe best fits your condition and will work best for you. One of the effective tips to perfect the natural stress relief that you have chosen is to check all available information about it from procedure to the effects and relief that it claims. By doing this, you will able to make sure that it's the best for you and refrain from falling into deceiving relief claims of other therapies.

Looking for excellent tips on natural stress relief remedies which could be help you to treat your stress problems fast? Be sure to visit http://www.managingstresssecrets.com and get your free 10-day mini-ecourse right now.

2011年5月31日 星期二

Stress Relief

Stress is a by-product of the highly competitive environment we live in. Stress relief is a process that helps the stressed person to relax and attain his balance. It is achieved by controlling cortisol hormones in the body. There is no magic supplement to relieve stress and it can be attained only through conscious effort.

The first step is to acknowledge stress. Make a conscious effort not to increase stress by adding on to an already hectic lifestyle. Weigh the pros and cons of your daily routine and try to adapt a stress free routine. A key to healthy living is appropriate breath control. Proper diaphragmatic breathing reduces stress and anxiety. It is extremely beneficial and is a simple exercise that can be done at any time.

Another step is to get a massage. A good massage will relax all the muscles of the body and it will have a soothing effect. Another method is laughing. Laughing helps a person to see the lighter side of the problem and keeps the mind calm and cool. Yet another important tool for stress relief is to sleep well. Sleep improves the strength of the mind and helps in managing stress.

Hydrotherapy is another means of stress relief. There are several spas offering hydrotherapy in the United States. This therapy provides healing effect to the body through motion, heat, and buoyancy. Motion and warmth result in widening the blood vessels, lowering the blood pressure, and accelerating the flow of oxygen. The strain on the knees and joints will be reduced by buoyancy.

Listening to music, having a walk, doing household chores, playing, writing, and relaxing at a comfortable place are some of the simple and cost effective methods of stress relief. Meditation and exercise are other popular techniques for stress relief.

Stress Relief provides detailed information on Stress Relief, Stress Relief Products, Stress Relief Games, Stress Relief Management and more. Stress Relief is affiliated with Stress Management Techniques.

Massage as a Stress Relief Therapy

Stress has various effects on people, mostly detrimental. Feeling stressed physically is often a result of strained or tired muscles. When one is stressed, the blood circulation is reduced and this blocks both oxygen and nutrients from being distributed to the brain and the entire body.

To loosen up the muscles and increase blood circulation, you can get a massage as a stress relief therapy. Using massage as a stress relief therapy helps release toxins from the body. There are several massage techniques that are very effective as stress relief therapy. These are the following:

Deep-Tissue Massage

Oxygen and nutrients are blocked when the muscles are stressed. It leads to inflamed muscles due to toxins building up in the tissues. A real good massage targets the cause of this ailment because this massage concentrates on the muscles and tissues around them to get the blood circulating properly. This stress relief therapy will help release the toxins that are harmful to the body.


Acupressure is also a popular massage technique that is commonly in stress relief therapy. Similar to acupuncture, this technique uses points in the body meridians to relieve pain. Acupuncture uses needles while acupressure, as the name suggests, uses pressure by utilizing the fingers, thumbs and elbows. A very low electrical current is sometimes used also. This technique helps release tension in the muscles by applying a certain amount force and then releasing it to send the blood back to the tissue. Acupressure also releases energies located on this points that promote good health.

Swedish massage

This stress relief therapy is the foremost massage technique taught in schools. The Swedish massage technique uses mild strokes on delicate and bony body structures like the face, hands and feet. Stronger, harder strokes are applied over thickly muscled areas like the neck and shoulders.

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage is a form of acupressure. This technique uses pressure while applying long strokes over the energy fields of the body. According to those who practice this ancient form of stress relief therapy, the strokes are just as important as the opening of the pressure joints. This technique uses joint manipulation, joint rotation and stretching to heal the body, mind and spirit. Shiatsu massage can also be performed while you are soaked in warm water. Warm water actually helps the muscles to relax.

Similar to beauty and medical treatments, different and new massage techniques are emerging these days. A good example is the warm stone massage that uses heated lava rocks for a soothing experience. With all the different types of massage that you can use as stress relief therapy, feel free to try any of them to relieve your body from stress.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Stress, Depression and Anxiety management and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Stress Management web site. For more articles and resources on stress relief, stress tests, stress symptoms, stress reduction, anxiety and depression treatments and much more visit his site at:
