2011年5月5日 星期四

The Psychological Aspects of Stress Relief

Stress can be unhealthy for your body. There are many signs and symptoms of psychological stress you might be experiencing. Many different things cause stress for many people. There are also many ways you can provide stress relief so you can lead a healthier life.

There are different types of warning signs you might experience if you are experiencing stress. Psychological stress can be broken down into cognitive symptoms, emotional symptoms, physical symptoms, and behavioral symptoms.

The cognitive symptoms of psychological stress can include lack of judgment, worrying all of the time, fearful anticipation, inability to concentrate, indecisiveness, problems with memory, negative thinking, and trouble thinking clearly.

The emotional symptoms of psychological stress which are also bad for your health include moodiness, agitation, depression, inability to relax, tenseness, and overwhelming feelings, feeling lonely and isolated, and short tempers.

Psychological stress also has symptoms that can have a physical impact on your body. This is why stress relief is important. Headaches are common for people under a lot of stress. People often feel muscle tension and stiffness, nausea, insomnia, chest pain and rapid heartbeats, hives, loss of sex drive, and frequent colds.

When people have severe psychological stress then they often act out in was for stress relief because they don't realize what they are doing. These behavioral things might be over or under eating, poor sleeping habits, isolation, procrastination, alcohol or drug abuse, teeth grinding, nervous habits, and picking fights with people.

There are many causes of stress. Major life changes occur all of the time and are often causes for psychological stress. These changes might include getting married or divorced, a child leaving home, pregnancy, career changes, cancer diagnosis, and something else that changes your life dramatically. There are also many daily life demands that often cause stress which include environmental issues from the weather or an uncomfortable living condition. Family and relationships have stress, work, and social issues can cause daily stress also.

All stress that causes health problems is not always caused from external situations and events around you. There is something called internal stress that you create yourself. You can practice stress relief techniques to be rid of the internal problems you cause upon yourself. These internal stress problems might be from uncertainty or worrying, a bad or pessimistic attitude, self-criticism, unrealistic expectations and beliefs, perfectionism, low self-esteem, lack of assertiveness, and too much anger or holding anger inside. These things can cause major build up of stress and be very unhealthy for your body.

Psychological stress can cause many health problems in your body. If you don't seek stress relief then you can become very ill and it can even be your cause of death. These problems can include, but are not limited to chronic pain, heart disease, migraine headaches, infertility, skin problems, obesity, PMS, asthma, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, high blood pressure, ulcers, diabetes, and more.

There are many things you can do for natural stress relief. The two primary ways to relieve your stress include exercise and eating healthy. Exercise is known to make anyone feel better after they have a good workout. It gets the blood flowing through the body and works the organs including the heart and the lungs. When the body sweats it produces the same endorphins in the body that make someone happy and feel good. If you are under a lot of stress then for your health, you should begin a daily exercise routine and remain committed to it.

Another important way to relieve stress is by eating healthy. When you eat the wrong foods you can set off an imbalance in your brain which may be causing you to be stressed. Your body may be lacking a certain vitamin. It is important to eat healthy and get all of the supplements your body needs in order to have proper stress relief. Certain foods like fish can help your brain produce a good mood. St. John's wart is a natural supplement that you might consider taking daily if your stress levels are really high. This supplement is known to balance the mind and provide a calming effect on the body.

If you have a lot of psychological stress and you are showing signs and symptoms that you do then your health may be affected. It is very important you find ways to provide stress relief for your body. If you want to live a long and healthy life then you need to ensure your body can handle stress overload. The less distress you have in your life then the longer you will live.

Discover more about stress relief on our website stress-relief-resources.com

