2011年5月28日 星期六

Stress Relief and Weight Control

Stress occurs in many different ways, and for many different reasons. It has been established that many individuals who experience high amounts of stress are also generally overweight. In this article, you will be introduced to stress relief and weight control.

You should know and understand that there are assortments of ways in which stress can have an impact on our weight. The first method is directly related to the stress hormone that causes us to react to a particular stress trigger, or "run" from it in a manner of speaking.

When we endure the stress hormone, which is called "cortisol", many different physiological situations occur in the body. The first situation that occurs is that many different hormones are released in the body. This is because the body interprets the stress that we experience as a "danger".

Individuals will experience a large amount of energy in order to meet the demands of the stress that is being experienced. This means that the metabolism of the body is increased, and there are numerous changes that occur within the circulation system.

When the metabolism in the body is put to work as a direct result of stress, an individual may begin to gain weight. This is because of the fact that the hormones that are released to react to stress cause the metabolism of the body to slow down. It sort of puts metabolism on the "side burner".

When an individual experiences a large amount of stress, the body will become confused as to where to store the fat that is in the body. Many times, this fat is stored in areas that can cause many different and complicated health risks.

We all know that when we experience stress we sometimes consume foods that are unhealthy for us. This may include items that are high in salt and sugar. This may also include foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Naturally, this will result in weight gain and possibly even high amounts of cholesterol in the blood.

Many people do not realize that stress can impact the sugar levels in the blood and result in weight gain. The stress can actually change the chemical makeup of the blood. This can make it very difficult to experience weight control. In addition to complications in weight control, this can result in serious health risks, such as diabetes.

When we seek relief from stress, we may engage in eating where we are simply satisfying our emotions. This is extremely unhealthy. In order to maintain weight control, it is important to ensure that we are only eating when we are hungry and we are consuming foods that are healthy for us.

Many foods can actually result in our experiencing more stress than others. If you are seeking out methods for stress relief and weight control, it is important to consume whole foods that are considered raw and organic. These are among the healthiest foods available today.

Many people who are looking to relieve stress may find themselves consuming large amounts of fast foods. This is basically because of the fact that fast foods are quick to get and easy to eat. Many enjoy the flavors of these foods as well. If you are looking to control your weight, and achieve stress relief, fast foods should be avoided at all costs.

There are a large variety of people who find themselves under the grips of so much stress that they lack the time to engage in the physical exercise that is required to maintain control over weight levels. If you are one of these individuals, you need to slow down and take the time to work in at least three to four hours of exercise in your schedule each week.

The first step to achieving stress relief and weight control is to practice some basic relaxation techniques. This may include something simple like meditation, or something complicated like martial arts. The choice is yours and what is best to your lifestyle.

The second step to achieving stress relief and weight control is to keep many healthy snacks on hand for when you get in the mood to consume something that you feel you need to based on emotions. There are many different healthy snacks sold today, as well as vegetable and fruit slices.

The third step to achieving stress relief and weight control is to consume lots of water and natural fruit juices. These types of drinks offer you increased levels of energy, a burst of essential vitamins and nutrients, and are extremely filling.

When you find that you are experiencing complications with stress and are tempted to simply eat out at a fast food restaurant to avoid the complications of having to cook, simply avoid this temptation. If you feel the need to eat out because you really are strapped for time, it is important to indulge in restaurants that serve only naturally healthy foods that can boost your mental and physical health.

If you want to achieve stress relief and weight control at the same time, get physical! It has been discovered that individuals who perform in physical exercise are able to work away the stress that they are experiencing, and maintain a healthy level of weight. If you find that you are not motivated in this area, join a gym, a dance class, or even a basic aerobics class.

As you can see, stress can have a large impact on our weight levels. If you are starting to notice a few extra pounds, you should carefully evaluate the amount of stress that you are experiencing in your life. You may just find that this is the culprit for all that extra weight gain! If so, there are many different things that you can do to resolve this issue.

By implementing the steps listed in this article, you can achieve stress relief and maintain weight control. The important thing is to simply make certain that you understand that there is a correlation between stress and weight gain.

V.K. Rajagopalan is a full time Web Publisher. As a Platinum Publisher, he is credited with publishing many high quality, niche based articles at EzineArticles. He owns several Authority Sites in different niches.

He is from New Delhi, India and has been in this line of business activity since end of 2005.

Learn about a natural proprietary formulation that helps in Stress Management, control Stress related eating and thereby effectively achieve weight control.

In his blog, Proven Health Remedies, you will find several articles related to Alternative Remedies apart from posts on other health related tips and information.

