2011年6月3日 星期五

World War 2 PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Documentary - Let There Be Light (1946) [DVD]

World War 2 PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Documentary - Let There Be Light (1946) [DVD]This post-WWII John Huston film documents the psychiatric treatment of war veterans and shell shocked soldiers participating in a 10-week recovery program in a Long Island hospital. The 1946 documentary so poignantly captures the painful, touching side of recovery and the return back into civilian life that it was actually banned for a time after its release. Even though it was commissioned by the U.S. government, the film came off as a potentially demoralizing example of war trauma. In the footage, 75 Soldiers are filmed through the entire psychiatric process, from admission, evaluation and diagnosis to the various forms of treatment, including counseling, hypnosis, and psychological exams. Let There Be Light was the third chapter of Huston's trilogy of films for the government, and it remains a thought-provoking and tasteful documentation of WWII military psychiatry and the human side of psychosomatic disabilities spawned by war.

Price: $16.99

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2011年6月2日 星期四

Acute Stress Disorder Tran Health Women's Dark T-Shirt by CafePress

Acute Stress Disorder Tran Health Women's Dark T-Shirt by CafePressOur 100% cotton women's tee is preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cottonStandard fit Health Tee, TShirt, Shirt. About our Women's Dark T-Shirt: Our 100% cotton women's tee is preshrunk, durable and guaranteed.5.6 oz. 100% cotton. Standard fit..

Price: $25.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Three Stress Relief Activities For Kids

When talking about the stress that today's children experience there are two basic schools of thought. One school says that there is no added stress and that the stress level of today's generation of children is no different than previous generations of children. The other school of thought states that the children of today are under enormous pressure to succeed academically and socially. This school of thought further asserts that because of these increased pressures there is tremendous stress that is experienced.

Regardless of which school of thought the reader may be associated with, it is important to practice stress relief activities for kids at an early age. These stress relief activities for kids will help the young child to cope with any stress that they are currently experiencing and will create good habits in dealing with stress in later life. A few stress relief activities for kids include the involvement in hobbies, practicing meditation and calming activities before bedtime.


One simple but powerful stress relieving activity is through the use of a hobby. A hobby is that activity that is practiced or accomplished in which there are no expectations. It is simply a pastime that is done for the sheer enjoyment of the enthusiast.

A hobby can be the involvement in a sport, creation of a craft, woodworking, coin collecting, etc. Examples can include the playing of chess, bowling or playing softball, working in the woodshop building a bird house, etc. Again, the purpose of taking up a hobby as a stress relief activity for kids is to provide a diversion and not an additional activity that requires the person to excel or be the best.


Another excellent stress relief activity for kids is through the use of meditation. Meditation is simply a time set-aside during the course of the day to release the mind from the bombarding thoughts of the day. This is simply accomplished by concentrating on one's breathing and releasing the thoughts that would endeavor to enter the mind.

Also, another technique to help facilitate meditation and practicing stress relief activities for kids is through the vocalization of a mantra. A mantra is simply a word or number of words that help the individual to meditate. When the mantra is vocalized the other thoughts are diffused and oneness with the individual's spirit is obtained.

The use of meditation not only helps to relieve stress, but has a powerful effect on the other physiological functions. One of those physical benefits of meditation is a reduction in blood pressure.

Calming Activities Before Bedtime

Of all the stress relief activities for kids, probably the most practical is the use of calming activities before the child's bedtime. This can be simply accomplished by turning off the television an hour or so before bedtime. This simple measure will allow the child to begin their resting period and calm down before going to sleep.

Also, before bedtime, other stress relief activities for kids can be incorporated. Therefore, practicing meditation, yoga or enjoying a relaxing bedtime story can do wonders to reduce the stress level in the child or can help to create good habits as they mature into adulthood.

healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief has other well-written and helpful articles not only related to 3 simple techniques for stress relief [http://www.healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief/articles/3-Simple-Techniques-for-Stress-Relief-.html], but also other information and resources related to stress relief [http://www.healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief/sitemap/index.html].

This article may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

2011年6月1日 星期三

How to Get Natural Stress Relief Remedies

The individuality and uniqueness of each one signifies the fact that not all of men have the same type of stress and causes also vary. Due to this the gravity of the impact of stress on each man also differs, from which relief techniques will also follow.

There are cases of stress that needs some medical attention, this are known to be the worst stage, which is the effect of ineffective management of stress in early stage, or unable to cope with stress making one suffer a prolonged stress effect. This situation often causes them to take drug medications just to pacify stress and its worst effects. One of the reasons why stress should be treated and given attention at early stage is that, as long as it could be prevented to take drug medications do so, because some medications sometimes can cause side effects which may also threaten us.

It's been believed that in the case of stress, most relievers and therapies are all natural. Experts believe that almost all stress natural relief doesn't have scientific explanation of its effectiveness but all of them are known not only to relieve stress but also strengthen the mind and body's defense against stress.

There are many natural stress relievers that are available for use in the market. When we say natural stress relief most of the time, we think of herbs as its major component, it maybe right but not most of the time it's only herbs or plants that is associated with natural stress relief, as long as the practice is dome naturally, such as yoga and other forms of meditations it would still be considered as part of natural relief.

As said that some natural stress relief has not been proven scientifically effective, but what natural stress relief techniques can boasts is that it has lesser or zero side effects compare to most drug medications. The perfect way on how to get the fullness of effectiveness of natural stress relief remedies is to first check what causes your stress.

Determining the common stressors that sprung on your daily routine would enable you to determine what type of natural stress relief remedy that you believe best fits your condition and will work best for you. One of the effective tips to perfect the natural stress relief that you have chosen is to check all available information about it from procedure to the effects and relief that it claims. By doing this, you will able to make sure that it's the best for you and refrain from falling into deceiving relief claims of other therapies.

Looking for excellent tips on natural stress relief remedies which could be help you to treat your stress problems fast? Be sure to visit http://www.managingstresssecrets.com and get your free 10-day mini-ecourse right now.

2011年5月31日 星期二

Stress Relief

Stress is a by-product of the highly competitive environment we live in. Stress relief is a process that helps the stressed person to relax and attain his balance. It is achieved by controlling cortisol hormones in the body. There is no magic supplement to relieve stress and it can be attained only through conscious effort.

The first step is to acknowledge stress. Make a conscious effort not to increase stress by adding on to an already hectic lifestyle. Weigh the pros and cons of your daily routine and try to adapt a stress free routine. A key to healthy living is appropriate breath control. Proper diaphragmatic breathing reduces stress and anxiety. It is extremely beneficial and is a simple exercise that can be done at any time.

Another step is to get a massage. A good massage will relax all the muscles of the body and it will have a soothing effect. Another method is laughing. Laughing helps a person to see the lighter side of the problem and keeps the mind calm and cool. Yet another important tool for stress relief is to sleep well. Sleep improves the strength of the mind and helps in managing stress.

Hydrotherapy is another means of stress relief. There are several spas offering hydrotherapy in the United States. This therapy provides healing effect to the body through motion, heat, and buoyancy. Motion and warmth result in widening the blood vessels, lowering the blood pressure, and accelerating the flow of oxygen. The strain on the knees and joints will be reduced by buoyancy.

Listening to music, having a walk, doing household chores, playing, writing, and relaxing at a comfortable place are some of the simple and cost effective methods of stress relief. Meditation and exercise are other popular techniques for stress relief.

Stress Relief provides detailed information on Stress Relief, Stress Relief Products, Stress Relief Games, Stress Relief Management and more. Stress Relief is affiliated with Stress Management Techniques.

Massage as a Stress Relief Therapy

Stress has various effects on people, mostly detrimental. Feeling stressed physically is often a result of strained or tired muscles. When one is stressed, the blood circulation is reduced and this blocks both oxygen and nutrients from being distributed to the brain and the entire body.

To loosen up the muscles and increase blood circulation, you can get a massage as a stress relief therapy. Using massage as a stress relief therapy helps release toxins from the body. There are several massage techniques that are very effective as stress relief therapy. These are the following:

Deep-Tissue Massage

Oxygen and nutrients are blocked when the muscles are stressed. It leads to inflamed muscles due to toxins building up in the tissues. A real good massage targets the cause of this ailment because this massage concentrates on the muscles and tissues around them to get the blood circulating properly. This stress relief therapy will help release the toxins that are harmful to the body.


Acupressure is also a popular massage technique that is commonly in stress relief therapy. Similar to acupuncture, this technique uses points in the body meridians to relieve pain. Acupuncture uses needles while acupressure, as the name suggests, uses pressure by utilizing the fingers, thumbs and elbows. A very low electrical current is sometimes used also. This technique helps release tension in the muscles by applying a certain amount force and then releasing it to send the blood back to the tissue. Acupressure also releases energies located on this points that promote good health.

Swedish massage

This stress relief therapy is the foremost massage technique taught in schools. The Swedish massage technique uses mild strokes on delicate and bony body structures like the face, hands and feet. Stronger, harder strokes are applied over thickly muscled areas like the neck and shoulders.

Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage is a form of acupressure. This technique uses pressure while applying long strokes over the energy fields of the body. According to those who practice this ancient form of stress relief therapy, the strokes are just as important as the opening of the pressure joints. This technique uses joint manipulation, joint rotation and stretching to heal the body, mind and spirit. Shiatsu massage can also be performed while you are soaked in warm water. Warm water actually helps the muscles to relax.

Similar to beauty and medical treatments, different and new massage techniques are emerging these days. A good example is the warm stone massage that uses heated lava rocks for a soothing experience. With all the different types of massage that you can use as stress relief therapy, feel free to try any of them to relieve your body from stress.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Stress, Depression and Anxiety management and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Stress Management web site. For more articles and resources on stress relief, stress tests, stress symptoms, stress reduction, anxiety and depression treatments and much more visit his site at:


2011年5月30日 星期一

i-Opener Keyboard Wrist Rest Pad Gel Cushion (BLACK)

i-Opener Keyboard Wrist Rest Pad Gel Cushion (BLACK)Keyboard gel filled wrist rest. Top notch quality that will hold up for years.

Price: $19.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

Eliminate Stress Naturally, Easily and Permanently

Earn $23.50 per Sale. Specially design banners. Brandable free report to create viral effect. Rock solid guarantee. Targeting stress, panic attack, anxiety, depression, natural cure, meditation, hypnosis, stress management, and personal development niche

Check it out!

2011年5月29日 星期日

Atypical Antipsychotics and the Spectrum Anxiety Disorders - A Video Symposium

Atypical Antipsychotics and the Spectrum Anxiety Disorders - A Video SymposiumCurrent profiles indicate that U.S. clinicians prescribe a substantial amount of atypical antipsychotic medications of label, i.e. for non-schizophrenic conditions. The pharmacologic profile of the new generation medications, including clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine and ziprasidone, would support such use but are there studies showing clinical efficacy ni off label disease states? In particular, anxiety spectrum disorders, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, have been shown to respond to treatment with the atypical antipsychotic agents. This PsychLink will explore this phenomenon ad present the therapeutic basis for such practice.

Price: $55.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月28日 星期六

Favorite Stress Relief Gifts - Seven Perfect Treats to Soothe Your Harried Loved Ones

Figuring out what gifts to give used to be hard. It's getting easier lately, if only because there's one common denominator we all have: Way too much stress. Which means that just about anyone will appreciate a stress relieving gift.

And it's not hard to find them. The Internet is awash with stress relief gifts that are not only affordable, they also provide an excellent escape for the user, and some of them are outright indulgent, which, of course, makes them the perfect gift. Spa, massage and aromatherapy items are great for all-over relaxation that calms the senses. Stress-relieving music and soothing sounds add to the experience. Scented candles carry the spa feeling throughout your house.

While most people buy some of those for themselves, there's always that niggling feeling of guilt - we don't treat ourselves to things that please us as much as we should. And that's why they make such ideal gifts: We can give them to each other! You can buy those stress relief gifts for your stressed-out friends, relatives and co-workers, even your boss. Chances are, some of them will return the favour sooner or later, and so you too may become the lucky recipient of your very own spa quality gifts.

Here are 7 favorite stress relief gifts that are sure to be welcomed by the recipient:

1. Stress relief in a barrel or a basket

There are several different styles available. For men, an ideal barrel might contain juggling balls, a finger punching bag, a slinky and some sweetness in a Pez container. For women, you can pick up a barrel or a basket containing tranquility candles, crossword puzzles, bath salts and specialty teas. Of course, be sure to include some sort of mini-massager.

2. Stress relief toys

The Internet is overflowing with odd shaped rubbery characters that are practically guaranteed to bring a chuckle or two. They stretch, they deform, they bounce, they stick, and they just feel good. In fact, they're ubiquitous as brandable gifts, so you can get some for your customers too.

3. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is one of the top favorites when it comes to stress relief. Certain aromas have a natural ability to bring relaxation to anyone who smells the scent. Lavender, lemon, cinnamon, basil, cedarwood, eucalyptus, grapefruit, orange, and pine are some of the essential oils that are known to bring relief.

4. Fun Slippers

Footwear made from soothing materials with amusing decorations make the perfect gift for around the house. Bunny slippers may still be golden oldies, but they've almost gotten hard to find among all the new options. Not only can your friends use them at home, but they can even tuck a pair under an office desk for some sneaky relief.

5. Yoga (and other Exercise) Videos

Exercise is a proven stress reliever, yoga being one of the first. Yoga stretches out the tight spots and improves the body's energy flow. You'll easily find a good selection of yoga CDs and DVDs online and off. Tai Chi is another exercise to relieve stress. Regular exercise videos work too, but be careful - this is supposed to be a gift, not a guilt trip.

6. Choke the Chicken

Buyer beware: be sure to know the gift recipient before choosing this one. Some people consider that soft fluffy chicken hilarious and one of the best stress relief products on the market. By pressing its wing and wringing its neck, you activate music that speeds up as you choke the poor thing and watch its eyes and tongue pop out. Some people, on the other hand, may feel quite turned off.

7. Flower bouquets

A beautiful bouquet of flowers may not be original, but it still makes an excellent gift for people in stressful situations, whether they're in a hospital or recovering from illness, or whether they are just struggling through a bad week. Not only are the flowers soothing and cheering, but the soothing built-in aromatherapy most flowers naturally come with is a huge extra bonus.

Recognize yourself of someone you love? For a headstart on stress relief gifts, get Elisabeth Kuhn's FREE report with seven stress-reducing strategies.

If you want Elisabeth's full-sized version instead, with lots more strategies (including an introduction to EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique), just go to http://www.InstantStressReliefStrategies.com for instant stress relief.

Stress Relief and Weight Control

Stress occurs in many different ways, and for many different reasons. It has been established that many individuals who experience high amounts of stress are also generally overweight. In this article, you will be introduced to stress relief and weight control.

You should know and understand that there are assortments of ways in which stress can have an impact on our weight. The first method is directly related to the stress hormone that causes us to react to a particular stress trigger, or "run" from it in a manner of speaking.

When we endure the stress hormone, which is called "cortisol", many different physiological situations occur in the body. The first situation that occurs is that many different hormones are released in the body. This is because the body interprets the stress that we experience as a "danger".

Individuals will experience a large amount of energy in order to meet the demands of the stress that is being experienced. This means that the metabolism of the body is increased, and there are numerous changes that occur within the circulation system.

When the metabolism in the body is put to work as a direct result of stress, an individual may begin to gain weight. This is because of the fact that the hormones that are released to react to stress cause the metabolism of the body to slow down. It sort of puts metabolism on the "side burner".

When an individual experiences a large amount of stress, the body will become confused as to where to store the fat that is in the body. Many times, this fat is stored in areas that can cause many different and complicated health risks.

We all know that when we experience stress we sometimes consume foods that are unhealthy for us. This may include items that are high in salt and sugar. This may also include foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Naturally, this will result in weight gain and possibly even high amounts of cholesterol in the blood.

Many people do not realize that stress can impact the sugar levels in the blood and result in weight gain. The stress can actually change the chemical makeup of the blood. This can make it very difficult to experience weight control. In addition to complications in weight control, this can result in serious health risks, such as diabetes.

When we seek relief from stress, we may engage in eating where we are simply satisfying our emotions. This is extremely unhealthy. In order to maintain weight control, it is important to ensure that we are only eating when we are hungry and we are consuming foods that are healthy for us.

Many foods can actually result in our experiencing more stress than others. If you are seeking out methods for stress relief and weight control, it is important to consume whole foods that are considered raw and organic. These are among the healthiest foods available today.

Many people who are looking to relieve stress may find themselves consuming large amounts of fast foods. This is basically because of the fact that fast foods are quick to get and easy to eat. Many enjoy the flavors of these foods as well. If you are looking to control your weight, and achieve stress relief, fast foods should be avoided at all costs.

There are a large variety of people who find themselves under the grips of so much stress that they lack the time to engage in the physical exercise that is required to maintain control over weight levels. If you are one of these individuals, you need to slow down and take the time to work in at least three to four hours of exercise in your schedule each week.

The first step to achieving stress relief and weight control is to practice some basic relaxation techniques. This may include something simple like meditation, or something complicated like martial arts. The choice is yours and what is best to your lifestyle.

The second step to achieving stress relief and weight control is to keep many healthy snacks on hand for when you get in the mood to consume something that you feel you need to based on emotions. There are many different healthy snacks sold today, as well as vegetable and fruit slices.

The third step to achieving stress relief and weight control is to consume lots of water and natural fruit juices. These types of drinks offer you increased levels of energy, a burst of essential vitamins and nutrients, and are extremely filling.

When you find that you are experiencing complications with stress and are tempted to simply eat out at a fast food restaurant to avoid the complications of having to cook, simply avoid this temptation. If you feel the need to eat out because you really are strapped for time, it is important to indulge in restaurants that serve only naturally healthy foods that can boost your mental and physical health.

If you want to achieve stress relief and weight control at the same time, get physical! It has been discovered that individuals who perform in physical exercise are able to work away the stress that they are experiencing, and maintain a healthy level of weight. If you find that you are not motivated in this area, join a gym, a dance class, or even a basic aerobics class.

As you can see, stress can have a large impact on our weight levels. If you are starting to notice a few extra pounds, you should carefully evaluate the amount of stress that you are experiencing in your life. You may just find that this is the culprit for all that extra weight gain! If so, there are many different things that you can do to resolve this issue.

By implementing the steps listed in this article, you can achieve stress relief and maintain weight control. The important thing is to simply make certain that you understand that there is a correlation between stress and weight gain.

V.K. Rajagopalan is a full time Web Publisher. As a Platinum Publisher, he is credited with publishing many high quality, niche based articles at EzineArticles. He owns several Authority Sites in different niches.

He is from New Delhi, India and has been in this line of business activity since end of 2005.

Learn about a natural proprietary formulation that helps in Stress Management, control Stress related eating and thereby effectively achieve weight control.

In his blog, Proven Health Remedies, you will find several articles related to Alternative Remedies apart from posts on other health related tips and information.

2011年5月27日 星期五

Trying Hypnosis for Stress Relief

Because stress seems worse the farther we get into the twenty first century, more people are now looking for ways to reduce the amount of stress in their lives. There are many things a person will try when they feel as though they are drowning in stress.

Some might take vacation time to just get away and others might just delve deeper into a favorite hobby in order to forget about all of the outside stressors. Some have started to go see a hypnotist and find that the stress points in their lives begin to empty like a full trash can. They feel better, their blood pressure becomes normal, and their attitude changes into a more relaxed state.

Hypnosis has long been used for many other purposes and has shown promise in helping people reduce stress. Hypnosis for stress relief might work as long as the hypnotist can lower the brains ability to concentrate on stress as the highest priority. Just going to see the hypnotist begins the process because most of the things that are producing the high levels of stress aren't important at that moment. While the hypnotist is working with a person they are deeply relaxed. Once the hypnotist is finished with the session and the person awakes, they often feel like they have been sleeping for hours instead of only minutes.

Don't Go to a Quack

The cost of using hypnosis for stress relief varies greatly. Because the session is dealing with stress, it is important to not just pick anyone who says that they can do it. Instead, hypnosis for stress relief should come from someone who already is using hypnosis for stress relief. Ask other people who may have done something similar. They might have insight into what another person is going through and recommend the person that they used. Another way to do a search for the right person is to make an appointment with your doctor and ask for recommendations.

Hypnosis for stress relief might be able to help those with high stress levels. If it works, the person will wonder why it took so long to find out the adversary of stress. Even if it doesn't work to the level that someone desires, it probably has helped in some way and just lowering the stress level a little makes the body more able to handle any of the possible stressors at the workplace. To reduce stress and improve the quality of life hypnosis is worth trying.

healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief has other well-written and helpful articles not only related to three stress relief activities for kids [http://www.healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief/articles/Three-Stress-Relief-Activities-For-Kids-.html], but also other information and resources related to stress relief [http://www.healthnewsinfo.org/stress-relief/sitemap/index.html].

This article may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

2011年5月26日 星期四

Learn Stress Relief Activities Without Taking Drugs

Stress is commonplace in our society today. We face stress in practically every aspect of our business, personal, and social lives. Stress is so common that we have come to accept it as just a necessary part of life. It's not acceptable and we shouldn't accept it.

Stress can be very harmful to us. It can affect our mental and emotional states and can result in poor health. It is important to recognize that stress must be managed and to seek stress relief activities.

Stress relief activities can be categorized into the follow categories:

- Exercise

- Diet

- Control of Daily Activities

- Meditation

Exercise: Design your own personal exercise plan for activities to do on a daily and weekly basis. These can be as extensive and arduous as you want. The important thing is to plan your exercise activities and make a commitment to stick to them.

Diet: Eat a balanced diet on a regular basis. Make sure to get all 3 meals per day. Minimize intake of alcohol, drugs, and smoking.

Daily Activities: Set aside time every day to take a break from work. These need be 15-20 minutes each time. Visit friends and family and don't discuss your problems with them. Work on your hobby. Go to a movie or a museum. In general, do any activity that you enjoy and can take your mind off your problems.

Meditation: Meditation is an important stress relief activity. Engaging in deep meditation can have a beneficial effect on both your mind and body. As with the other stress relief activities, meditation should be done on a regular basis and you should make a commitment to engage every day.

One method to make meditation more effective is to utilize brainwave entrainment or binaural beats. Binaural beat frequencies are easy to use and can shorten the time needed to get to a deep meditative state.

Each one of the primary stress relief activities can consist of a large number of different ways that can be tailored to each individual's preference. To learn more stress relief activities, visit this site.

Binaural beats are a recent technology that have made it much easier to engage in effective meditation. Previously, meditation had to be learned and practiced, but now with binaural beats this time period can be shortened to just a few minutes. Learn more about binaural beats and get a free sample recording at http://www.squidoo.com/stress-relief-technique

2011年5月25日 星期三

Natural Stress Relief Tips, and How to De-stress Easily

 The economy is in shambles, divorce rates are climbing, and stress related illnesses are becoming a major medical concern. Stress relief tips, are even more in demand than ever before. How do you separate what works from what doesn't. Are all stress relief tips the same, and will they bring you the ultimate anxiety relief that seems all too hard to come by in today's serious world.

Finding stress relief tips can be as easy as your nearest search engine, but will they work is another question. One thing to be cautious of are sites that have all product, and no content. Natural stress relief, while very manageable with supplements and other techniques, has many facets. When researching look for content, and suggestions without each entry being a sales pitch. So what are some valuable stress relief tips? Here are just a couple I have found to be extremely effective.  

Meditation Stress treatment can be as simple as learning some stress treatment techniques through stress meditation.  While is sounds very new age, at it's core it is learning "focused relaxation", and ways to quickly reduce your stress levels.  

Aromatherapy Stress treatment at home can also come from a very passive method called aromatherapy.  This is done by utilizing certain smells to trigger chemical responses within the brain in order to increase the amount of calming chemicals in the brain.   

Exercise For many stress treatment comes in the form of exercise.  Exercising to reduce stress is caused by the body's release of the same endorphins that many of the other techniques do, but will also help you get in shape.   The other stress relief tips to look at are nutritional supplements. Some of the foods we eat like Turkey, fish, and nuts have many natural benefits that aid you in stress reduction. One word in caution with the nuts however as too much selenium can be toxic for your system so don't overdo it.   You can also find many vitamin supplements, and natural herbal remedies for natural stress relief. However read up on any herbal stress remedy or nutritional supplement before you begin taking it to make sure it has been tested and does not have any reported side effects.  

For more free stress relief tips, and advice on Natural Stress Relief, visit [http://www.naturalstressrelief.reviewopinion.com/].

Like so many of you I have found myself stressed with the events of the world unfolding. From financial stress, to family stress I felt overwhelmed, depressed and concerned over the path my life was taking. Stress was interfering with my ability to function. That's when I began to look for ways to reduce stress naturally without only finding sales pitches, but also real information on Natural Stress Relief. I have reduced my stress significantly, and want to help you. Visit my Stress site at [http://www.naturalstressrelief.reviewopinion.com/] for more information.

Don't be another statistic and cause stress related illnesses that can impact your life.

Effective Stress Relief Products and How They Can Help You To Combat Stress

Stress has become an almost normal part of modern life and so have stress relief products. It is a fact that some stress is good for you as it motivates you and helps you to achieve your goals. Unfortunately for many people, stress gets out of control when they perceive that they cannot cope with all the demands made on them by family, friends and society. It is no wonder when it often seems that, no matter how much we achieve, it is never enough; more always seems to be expected of us.

Manufacturers have capitalised on this stress epidemic by producing a wide range of stress relief products that are designed to help us to cope with our symptoms. In fact you would probably be amazed at the variety of products available, from meditation to exercise equipment, from music to guided meditation tracks, from squeezy toys to scented pillows, to massage products, to vitamins and supplements.

If you are suffering from stress then it is well worth trying some of these products to see if they help, but bear in mind that some are just gimmicks, more of novelty value than likely to be of benefit over a period of time, whilst others have been tried and tested and shown to work.

Some of the most effective and time-tested stress relief products are as follows:

Guided Meditation and Self Hypnosis Programs

These can transport you to a calm and soothing environment far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They may use visualisation, subliminal programming, binaural beats, relaxing music or a combination of these to achieve the effect of relaxing your body and influencing your mind to take a break and chill out. They can reprogram your subconscious mind as well as affecting the chemicals in your brain to achieve long-lasting effects with regular use. Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce stress and control your mind over the long-term. These tracks can be purchased on CD or DVD or may often be available for immediate download to a portable playing device such as an MP3 player.

Music for Relaxation

You have probably already experienced that music can have a profound effect on your state of mind and the way that you feel. Music can make you feel upbeat if you like it or make you feel depressed if it is sad and melancholy. Music has been shown to have an effect on brainwaves patterns which is also proven to affect how you feel. It also has been shown to have other physical benefits such as relaxation, heart rate and blood pressure reduction and higher immunity. The best music for stress relief is slow classical music, but if this isn't your cup of tea, then choose slow music that makes you feel good. Loud and fast music will actually send your pulse racing and that won't have the desired effect. If you are not sure then look for one of the many albums which are available especially to help combat stress relief.

Aromatherapy Products

Aromatherapy uses aromatic plant extracts (essential oils) to affect your mood and improve your health. Aromas can have a very profound effect on your mood. You can be instantly transported back in time when you smell something that reminds you of a previous experience such as your mother's perfume or flowers in a childhood garden. Aromatherapy has been shown to have benefits in terms of stress relief and relaxation, as well as other health benefits. Oils and aromas can help you to relax and reduce stress, and may be used in massage or inhalation. Some products can be ingested such as in teas. Lavender, Camomile, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang seem to be the best cited aromas for stress relief. Some of the products which use fragrance as a means to relaxation are bath oils, moisturising creams and lotions, pillow scents, massage oils, burning oils and incense and scented candles.

Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements.

People who are suffering from stress often fail to look after themselves properly. They may skip meals or rely heavily on junk foods. Unfortunately, this adds to the load that the body is already having to cope with and creates more stress. In times of stress it is more important than ever to look after your body, as well as your mind. Stress can deplete the levels of certain vitamins in your body such as B vitamins, A and C and the mineral magnesium. If your diet is lacking in terms of healthiness, you may want to consider taking supplements to help your body cope with the overload. There are many of these available on the market today and many are based on the vitamins mentioned. Try to adopt a healthier diet generally if you are suffering from stress. Your body will feel more in balance if it is getting optimum nutrition for health and well-being.

Stress originates in the mind and manifests itself in the body in the form of physical symptoms. The best way to cope with stress is to manage it so that it doesn't get out of hand. This involves a healthy lifestyle incorporating good nutrition, fulfilling activities and relationships, and time out for relaxation and fun. Meditation is one of the best ways to cope with stress on a long-term basis and, the best thing is, it requires absolutely no investment in stress relief products.

For quick relief for sufferers of stress, check out these stress relief products or find stress management strategies that can help you devise a plan to cope with stress.

2011年5月24日 星期二

Eating Disorders At Home - A Parent's Guide

An invaluable resource for parents of sufferers of Anorexia or Bulimia, and other Eating Disorders. Critical information to help treat young people with an Ed (Eating Disorder). ** 50% referral commission paid.

Check it out!

2011年5月23日 星期一

Fitness and Stress Relief

Stress is a real killer; it contributes to the illnesses of thousands upon thousands of people, and it is known to contribute to the presence of heart attacks and strokes as well. Needless to say, stress is not something that anybody needs in their life, and those who have the best stress management techniques are going to be some of the healthiest people in the end. Those who do not have some means of finding relief from their stress may find that they have more frequencies of illness and such, and that is important. Different people handle their stress in different ways, but many people find that exercise and effective stress relief techniques go hand in hand.

How do Exercise and Stress Management Go Together?

It doesn't take a lot of exercise to help reduce your stress level; about 15 to 30 minutes of exercise is necessary for stress management purposes although some fitness purposes do require that your heart rate be elevated for an hour during exercise. Not only do the different exercise moves provide a physical way to work off stress, but there is a less physical side to it also. Exercise releases certain adrenal hormones and endorphins, chemicals that your body uses to be happier. When you exercise you release these chemicals and your brain makes you happier in return. Of course a happier person is less prone to stress, and that is one of the main ways that exercise and stress relief go hand in hand.

It's About Finding a Medium

One of the things about fitness and relieving stress is that you have to find the type of workout that works best for you as far as stress management is concerned. This is important, because if you choose too light a workout you may become bored and give up on your routine. Anything that is too hard will just add to the amount of stress on your body. Find something that falls somewhere in between, that allows you to get the workout that you need and get your heart rate up and those hormones pumping and your stress level down in turn.

Get a Stress Workout Buddy

So you have a real problem with stress; who doesn't? Chances are that there is someone else out there who has a problem with stress, and they are not too difficult to find. Find another overworked soccer mom or a person who works at your place of employment with you. You will find that more people have extra stress to deal with than you thought, and you are less alone than you probably would have ever dreamed.

Not only can finding another person give you a buddy to do your stress relief workout, but it also gives you another person to talk it out with. This is a great way to gain some perspective on your life and a great way to get some ideas from another person about what the best ways to handle stress are. The people in your life and at your place of employment can probably offer more insight than you would ever think that they would be able to.

Change the Way You Think About Exercise

One of the reasons why people fail to exercise is because of the way that they look at the task. It is one of those things that are not for the lazy; or perhaps it is. If you think you are a lazy person, the best way to turn that on its head is to go outside of your norms and take up an exercise routine.

Stop thinking about exercise as something that you have to do to lose weight and consider it the cheapest stress management technique out there. Some people pay thousands for a therapist to get the same kind of relief.

Do it for your health, but your mental health as much as that of your body. Not exercising and remaining sedentary is self abuse in so many ways, and those who have the highest levels of stress are those who have the lowest levels of exercise. If you find that you really would rather do nothing than something, check your stress. Relief from stress is an important part of your everyday health, and effectively managing with a good fitness routine can keep your heart, body, and mind in better shape.

Carlos Twine is a sport enthusiast who gained substantial knowledge about stress relief strategies through his higher scientific education and through his own life experience as a successful sport counselor.

Discover more about effective stress tips on stress-relief-resources.com

Stress Relief Techniques for a Preschool Child - Part One

Many years ago, children from birth to four or five years of age exercised natural preschool stress relief. Training in preschool stress relief was both unknown and unnecessary. Stay at home mothers never worried about trying to increase self-concept in their preschool children. They did not work to instill artificial coping skills and specialized anger management skills in pre-schoolers. Common sense dictated preschool stress relief efforts.

In the twenty-first century, however, many who themselves mismanage stress are seeking stress relief techniques for a preschool child or children. I have been appalled, both as teacher and principal, to see the negative, detrimental changes since I began my career. While we struggle to instill greater measures of preschool stress relief, we actually increase stress on young children.

From my viewpoint as career educator of more than 30 years, I would like to address the issue briefly. What are - or should be - appropriate preschool stress relief techniques?

Defining Preschool Stress

Preschool stress is the response of a preschool child to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual demands made upon the child. When the response is positive, the preschooler experiences eustress. When the response is negative, the child experiences distress. Both are stress: "eustress" is beneficial, happy stress; "distress" is unhealthy, miserable stress.

What Preschool Stress Is Not

1. Preschool stress is not the teacher's demand that Sally come to the story circle and sit quietly. It is Sally's response to that demand. Preschool stress relief must focus on the response.

2. Preschool stress is not the teacher's demand that Bobby try again to count to 20. It is Bobby's response to that demand. Preschool stress relief must focus on the response.

3. Preschool stress is not Mother's demand that Sasha stop crying when left at preschool. It is Sasha's response to that demand. Preschool stress relief must focus on the response.

Preschool Stressors versus Preschool Stress

The most prevalent error in attempts at preschool stress relief is the confusion of stressors with stress.

1. Preschool stressors, on the one hand, are always present. They are an inescapable part of life. Preschool stressors themselves should never be viewed as the cause of stress. Stressors are simply demands made upon the preschool child in one form or another: to cooperate; to learn; to share; to comply with rules; to exercise self control; etc.

2. Preschool stress, on the other hand, is the preschool child's response to demands made upon him or her. If the child willingly accepts the demands, a feeling of eustress takes over. Endorphins are released and the child is cheerfully compliant. Preschool stress relief is not needed for eustress. If the child rejects the demands, however, distress takes charge. Distress, the fight-or-flight mechanism, releases adrenalin and the child becomes combative or fearful, and non-compliant. Distress does call for preschool stress relief.

Underlying Reason for Preschool Stress

The ultimate, underlying reason preschoolers experience "distress" rather than "eustress" is their inner response to relinquishing control or having no one in control.

Preschool children, like adults, want control in their lives. They want and need boundaries. On the one hand, they don't want someone else controlling their lives. They want to steer their own lives. The term "terrible twos" originates in the preschooler's desire to be independent of outside control. On the other hand, they want someone to exercise firm, loving control, and if the adult does not do so, the child will attempt it.

Basic Requirement of Preschool Stress Relief

Stress relief techniques for a preschool child must understand and build on the underlying reason for stress if they are to succeed. Preschool stress relief must focus on the child's determination to exercise control, or have firm control exercised over, all 4 areas of his or her own life: emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual.

Weeding Out Stressors

Preschool stress relief should not concentrate on wedding out stressors. The stressor is seldom at fault. No matter how great, the stressor itself does not determine how the child responds to it.

It is an error to believe that any of the following 7 approaches (which I have witnessed often) will accomplish preschool stress relief.

1. Adults give commands, and let children comply or not, as they wish.

2. Adults let children roam the room at will.

3. Adults let children refuse obedience until the count of 5, 10, etc.

4. Adults separate children who refuse to get along together.

5. Adults ignore misbehaving children, hoping desire for attention will win.

6. Adults classify misbehavior as stress behavior, and permit it.

7. Adults teach preschool stress relief techniques that focus on relaxation, smiling, and deep breathing, but neglect the root cause.

Successful preschool stress relief has a proven formula, which we address in Part Two of this article.

?2007, Anna Hart. Anna brings to her writing her professional training and expertise as an educator and published author. When she writes at http://www.stressmanagementblog.com about preschool stress relief, she does so from experience and carefully conducted research. Anna invites you to read about preschool temper tantrums on her blog site.

2011年5月22日 星期日

The Case of Billy B

The Case of Billy BBorn with a cleft lip to a mother who didn't want him and abandoned
him when he was six months old, it seems that the odds were against Billy
from the start. His father, Chris, a soldier in the US Army is forced to
quit his job and take care of the small baby. From the beginning, Chris
and his son Billy, lack the support of family and State Departments. Forced
to go it alone, Chris struggles to balance single parenthood with his social
life. Chris develops a relationship with Billy's caregiver, Stella, who turns out
to be mentally unstable. He catches her abusing Billy and moves out of
her home. Things go from bad to worse for Chris and Billy. Chris begins to fear that their lives might be in danger. With nobody in authority to turn to, Chris is forced to come up with a plan for Billy and him to escape Stella for good.

Price: $2.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月21日 星期六

2011年5月20日 星期五

Strategies For Stress Relief

As part of the process of curing an illness, promoting health & vitality and preventing illness and premature aging, it is important to gradually move towards a daily life that is less stressful. Stress eventually wears out a person: body and mind. Exercise can help with stress relief because it provides a way for the body to release tension and pent-up frustration. Yoga is another good method for stress relief. These activities provide calming and relaxing sensory input for stress relief and can be done by almost anyone depending on one's lifestyle and preference. Everyone experiencing stress wants to overcome this tension in the best possible way and there are many stress relief products available at present. Prayer is perhaps the best source of stress relief that you can experience. Yoga is another..

What is yoga and how can it help with stress relief?

Yoga is a broad term for a series of personal practices, which bring together your physical, mental and spiritual parts with the goal of attaining a state of wholeness and completeness. Yoga is an ancient practice that reduces stress and tension. Yoga exercises involve the body, mind and spirit together. Yoga can lower blood pressure and levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. Yoga allows you to build up a natural response to stress and bring a relaxed state more easily into your daily life. Some people go to yoga or meditation centers or take retreats regularly at such centers in order to learn and to be around people who are positive and taking care of themselves. And while none of us can avoid stress, but we can return to a state of balance and regulation through a variety of means, including deep breathing, meditation, and exercise. Yoga teaches you a series of stationary and moving poses called asanas and a form of breath control known as pranayama, as well as concentration techniques. All of this means is that yoga can teach a person to relieve stress.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can add enormous power to other holistic healing techniques. Stress management and stress reduction techniques help you to cope with stress resulting from events like divorce, losing your job, children getting into trouble, caring for a sick relative, preparing for an exam, or just your daily commute. Common techniques for stress relief include:

- Changing lifestyle habits

- Changing thinking

- Emotional responses

- Controlled Breathing

You can practice techniques like controlled breathing exercises or yoga when you feel your stress levels soaring.

It Really Is Possible To Find Stress Relief

Juggling work and home life can mean finding a balance between the two, starting first with managing stress at work, and this is where some employers have become enlightened to the stresses of modern 24/7 life. Some employers offer in-house massage and aromatherapy during work hours for a natural holistic approach to stress relief in the workplace. Some excellent ideas for stress relief are the following: relaxation exercises, deep breathing, yoga, weight loss, joining a sports team, and finding a relaxing hobby such as knitting or model building. Exercise is a tried and tested technique for stress relief. From doing gentle stretching exercises to keeping up in a physically demanding aerobics class, stress relief can be achieved through a wide range of exercise. Interacting with other people during exercise can provide additional stress relief. Yoga, as was mentioned above, is an excellent form of stress relief.

For more free reports about the effects of stress and how to relieve stress in your life, read about eating healthier for stress relief http://www.stressinst.com/healthydietforstressrelief.html

Dean Novosat writes about health and nutrition on http:// Stress Institute.

Stress Relief - An Industry For Self Inflicted Stress

Stress Relief

Stress is a big business in Western society. We live what we regard as hectic lives, that prime us with stress. That stress, to those who recognise its presence, requires relief. We are competitive beyond true need, and that too pumps more stress into us. We live lives that are devoid of spirituality, and that allows stress to infiltrate deeply into our daily existence, often to roam uncontrolled throughout our minds and bodies.

In our material world, it is no wonder that stress relief has become big business. Suffering stress has become habitual in Western society. Mostly, it is self imposed, a fabrication of the modern Western way of life. By and large, much of the stress experienced in Europe, North America, and Australia, is self imposed. There are signs too that in other rich countries, such as Japan and South Korea, the same thing is happening.

Almost 5 years ago I left England to live in the Philippines. My time here has taught me a lot about stress and its existence in England and other Western countries. My learning has come at three different levels:

1. Personal Stress Relief

I recall with total clarity my first visit to the Philippines, and especially my first visit to Palawan, where I have now settled. I remember the wonderful feeling I had, of being alive, in tune with myself, and totally stress free. Like many in England, I had lived for many years in a zombie like existence, trying to earn money, and working for other people. Often commuting long distances and for many hours, I had gradually lost my sense of existence as an individual. Some relief to that had come when I was able to start my own business with my ex-wife, and then to move to a beautiful location on the south coast. That relief did not last long, as divorce and all its ramifications brought a resurgence of stress.

When I arrived in Palawan, in the second part of a three week stay in the Philippines, that had all gone. Making a decision to come and live here permanently was easy, and it was done with complete clarity and full awareness. Talk about instant stress relief.

2. Stress In Perspective - Genuine Stress Of The Truly Poor

Stress has been around, no doubt, since early man lived in caves. The stress of survival. That is what true stress, or rather justified stress, is about. The need to survive, to hunt for a meal, to defend against attack.

Most families in the Philippines are very poor. I mean, really poor, not what we in England regard as poor. A poor person in England would seem very rich to many Filipinos. Most Filipino families live in housing conditions that would not be considered fit for a garden shed in England. While starvation is not generally an issue, malnutrition is widespread. Many families do not know from day to day if they will have enough food. If anyone in the family is ill, many will not be able to pay doctors fees or hospital fees. That is a basis for justified stress.

There is genuine scope for stress here in the Philippines, and of course it does exist. Unlike in England, though, it is not usually self inflicted at an individual level. Most people still manage to be hospitable, to smile, and to give thanks for what they do have. The generosity of the poor always impresses me. It is a humbling experience to witness.

Living here has made me feel guilty for my own country that it is riddled with stress, and that stress relief is such big business. The stress back home in England was unnecessary, and born out of greed, materialism, and a complete focus on self. I am grateful to the Filipinos for helping me to put that into perspective.

3. Spirituality In Stress Relief

Here in the Philippines, the people as a rule have open hearts. They are by nature spiritual, as are many Asian cultures. Many Westerners would dismiss such open heartedness as naive, primitive, innocence, and ignorance. It is those Westerners, though, who are living through ignorance. Ignorance of themselves and what their humanity is capable of.

I have come to believe, from observation in both England and the Philippines, that through allowing your spirituality to flow naturally, stress is reduced. Exploring spiritual avenues aids perspective in one's own life. Spiritual avenues are a major source of stress relief, partially by the positive reaction they can bring within an individual's life, and partially by filling gaps in an individual's existence that would otherwise be flooded by negative thoughts, and thus by self inflicted stress.

Much of the Western stress, I believe, comes from a disassociation from a substantial part of our own humanity. Western life has become based on a minimal part of the human character, a tiny proportion of the scope of the human brain.

In other words, Western life has become full of emptiness. Much of the self inflicted stress stems from that void.

Roy Thomsitt is the owner and part author of http://www.routes-to-self-improvement.com

2011年5月19日 星期四

Herbs For Stress Relief - What They Can Do For You

The use of herbs for stress relief is becoming more popular. From special teas to tablets and capsules, herbal remedies are readily available. These therapeutic herbs have been used for nearly 5,000 years. The Ancient Romans, Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese all used them for their healing properties. Today the use of herbals is more appealing because of rampant stress in our society.

Taking herbs for stress relief is an easy, inexpensive way to improve your well-being. They are readily available and very safe. You can even find herbal teas at your local market. Some of those teas are great stress relievers. If you want to try a gentle yet effective way to combat the negative effects of stress, give these herbal remedies a try.

1) Siberian Ginseng - This herb packs a punch when it comes to stress relief. Its benefits are: increases resistance to stress, combats mental fatigue, relieves fatigue, depression and anxiety, increases energy, diminishes irritability and lethargy and strengthens the nervous system. What more could you ask for in an herbal treatment?

2) Ashwagandha - If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, ashwagandha will help immensely. It normalizes adrenal and other bodily functions, increases energy, promotes energy and works as an anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatory properties of ashwagandha are vital in times of stress. Excess stress can sometimes cause systemic inflammation.

3) Rhodiola Rosea - Another powerful stress fighter is rhodiola rosea. Reducing fatigue, improving memory and concentration are all benefits of rhodiola. It also stimulates the immune system which enables to body to ward off illness and disease. It is advised not to take rhodiola and Siberian ginseng at the same time. One or the other will suffice.

4) Valerian Root - Use this herb for stress relief if insomnia is one of your symptoms. It soothes the nerves and has sedating effects. Use it before bedtime for a better night's sleep.

5) Chamomile - Because of its relaxing qualities, chamomile is a very popular herb. A cup of chamomile tea is a popular way to relieve anxiety, restlessness and nervousness. It is also sedating and promotes a restful sleep.

After learning the benefits of herbal remedies, deciding to use herbs for stress relief should be a no brainer. They are safe, gentle, readily available, easy to take and inexpensive. They can be found in many forms including teas, tablets, capsules and liquids. Your local market, health food store or nutrition shop will have an ample supply.

To receive a valuable free newsletter and report click here: Free Report [http://www.stress-relief-for-well-being.com/stress-relief-strategies.html]

For more information about herbals click here: Herbs for Stress Relief [http://www.stress-relief-for-well-being.com/herbs-for-stress-relief.html]

Caroline Selfe has been a passionate seeker of natural and holistic stress relief methods for the past 25 years.

2011年5月18日 星期三

Using A Stress Relief Ball To Calm Nerves

Battling stress is something we all have to do at one time or another. And for many of us, stress - resulting from work worries, finances, and relationship trouble - is something that comes and eventually goes. But for others, stress continues to impact us on a daily basis, affecting our physical and emotional wellbeing. In these cases, there is a multitude of ways in which to combat stress and get on with our day feeling refreshed and calm. The ways in which we do this vary according to our personalities and often utilize a variety of tools to help us achieve success. For some for whom exercise is the key to stress relief, the tool of choice is a logistically convenient gym where all the latest equipment exists for their use. In such an atmosphere, cardiovascular work, weight training, and core work such as Pilates and Yoga can make an enormous difference in the way that we feel. For others, the tools for stress relief include music and lighting necessary to meditate their way to better emotional health. And for still others, there are much smaller tools that can be used on a moment to moment basis and require very little effort to enjoy the rewards. A stress relief ball - kept on a desk or in a briefcase - can bring about enormous stress relief in the time it takes to squeeze it.

A stress relief ball is just that - a small ball that fits into the palm of your hand. For those encountering stress, a squeeze of a stress relief ball can refocus energy and lower blood pressure to a point where stress is released. It is generally made from pliable material that that can be compressed and released; the act of compressing the ball and then allowing it to release in your hand stimulates a calming effect.

A stress relief ball can be found in all shapes and sizes and can be purchased for a very affordable price in holistic therapy stores and through a variety of online resources. The benefit of a stress relief ball - in addition to its impact and price - is its convenience. Such a ball is portable and compact enough that it can be used just about anywhere and kept in a desk drawer, handbag, or briefcase to be used whenever there is a stressful event.

A stress relief ball is just one in a number of tools being sold on the market today to reduce stress and help us live fuller, more productive lives.

For easy to understand, in depth information about stress relief ball visit our ezGuide 2 Stress Relief.

Trouble in Mind: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [VHS]

Trouble in Mind: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [VHS]Optimism is a Mood Chart application that helps you develop strategies to manage depression, bipolar and other physical or mental health problems. Use it to discover the triggers of illness, the warning signs of an episode, and strategies that help you to stay well.

Optimism helps you to be proactive. Charts and reports form a continuous feedback loop, helping you to better understand your health and the things that are helping you or causing problems. All fields in the application can be customized, making it specific to your own life circumstances.

Price: $29.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月17日 星期二

Stress Relief Techniques - What Should You Look For When Choosing the Best Stress Relief Technique?

Stress relief techniques are many and varied. All of them work for the people who use them. However, stress creeps up on us precisely when and because we have too much else to do and no time to relax and reduce our stress levels. We are only human. We focus our time elsewhere. After all, in today's hectic society, just how many of us can truly find the time we need to follow a stress relief technique properly?

However, like everything in life, stress reduction methods are only any good if they are used. And if you enjoy something, you make time for it. That's just common sense. So as stress becomes increasingly commonplace, with more and more people complaining of burnout, it makes sense to find an affordable stress relief technique that you enjoy.

Unfortunately, stress relief techniques, such a stress management courses can be very expensive. They often need specialist instruction, such as EFT. They can only be done in certain times and places, such as a yoga class or may need a clear half hour of tranquil space to be effective, such as meditation. And some techniques, like Tai Chi, can also be difficult to learn and even unsuitable for certain people, such as the elderly.

It therefore follows that the best stress relief technique is none of the above!

Instead it should be inexpensive, need no specialist instruction, be available anytime and anywhere, effective within a very short space of time, simple to do, easy to learn and suitable for everyone. And if it could also be safe and fun to do, then so much the better! What stress relief technique could possibly fit that bill?

Stress balls do!

These stress relieving toys are inexpensive yet surprisingly effective. They are squeezable foam balls (although novelty shapes are also very popular) which are used individually by steadily squeezing and releasing them.

There are also some stress balls, known as dragon balls or Chinese balls, which are used in pairs. These stress balls are small, solid and metallic and gently massage the reflexology points in the hands as they are rolled around. These actions reduce stress and tension not only in the hands, but throughout the body, making them effective and affordable stress relief technique.

Because of their small size, stress balls are very portable. They can be simply popped into a bag or briefcase, put into a vehicle glove compartment or placed on your mouse pad for use whilst sitting at a computer. This means they are always available for use. Stress balls are also great fun! This one fact alone means you will use them! And that means stress balls are the best a stress relief technique!

Click on the appropriate link for more information about using stress balls for stress relief and for more stress relief tips and a free ebook.

? 2009 Octisage Ltd.

2011年5月16日 星期一

Play Stress Relief Games and Reduce Stress Easily

There are many available techniques that help us reduce stress, some are comprehensive and time taking while others are easy, funny and more accessible to most of us. The former techniques include funny jokes and pictures, relaxation and most common of all playing computer games.

Much research was conducted on the effects of playing games to reduce levels of stress and most of them confirm the positive effects of games when we are trying to reduce it. These games have the advantage of not only being more accessible and easy relief technique, but also they offer fun and entertainment, something that we don't get from traditional stress management techniques.

We all know that many different kinds of games are available for us to play. But probably you wonder what game is the best for reducing stress. Well there is no simple answer to that questions, we could almost say that not only one but most of the games help relieving stress. First we could mention the good old traditional group games for stress relief, which we played with our relatives, friends or family. Those are the games like monopoly, card games, backgammon, charades and many other similar that you can play with other people without using your laptop or computer. This group of games is known to humanity for centuries if not even millenniums. Even the old societies had some kind of group games and this type of stress games is still quite commonly played in current society,

Other group is the group of computer games which is on constant rise as our society gets more digitalized. As computer games are becoming more popular there are also many stress relief games being developed. We all probably know game stress reducer desktop destroyer, where you can choose your favorite weapon to smash, burn, destroy or in any way mutilate your computer desktop. Few years ago this game was one of the most popular relieving games on computer and we could stay that it is still amongst the top stress relief games available. Other games that we could mention are newer version of Stress Reducer Desktop Destroyer; On-line Paintball which is very funny and exciting; Sudoku that help us calm down and concentrate and many others that are being played to help people combat their stress.

Now that we have specified what kind of games are available we could easily say that playing games is still very useful and commonly used relief technique. Even more, not only that this type of relieving stress is common it is also growing rapidly. In recent years there has been a burst in development of stress relief games because this technique is being more and more perceived as one of the easiest and more accessible to the whole society.

More details on reducing stress are available on our site when you can go through our reviews of top stress relief games that are available to play on-line. You can also find detailed information about stress reducer desktop destroyer which is still the most popular game used to release the stress out of our mind and body. Try it, for sure you will not regret it.

StressEraser Portable Biofeedback Device

The StressEraser is an award-winning, FDA-regulated, portable biofeedback device that helps you learn to activate your body's natural relaxation response in minutes — without the use of medication.

Is there stress in your life? Now more than ever, you need the StressEraserR

The premise behind StressEraser stress relief is simple and has been used in practice by physicians, psychologists and meditation experts for more than three decades. This state-of-the art medical technology fits in your pocket and is drug-free and non-invasive. It uses a finger sensor to convert your pulse into a wave form. This wave guides you to synchronize your breathing with your heart rate cycle.

We all know that slowing down your breathing can slow down your heart rate and help you relax. The StressEraser cues you to not only slow your breathing but, just as importantly, to synchronize your inhales and exhales with the natural cycle of your heart rate.

Using an infrared sensor, the StressEraser measures HRV from the pulse in your fingertip and displays it as a wave.

Bad Waves. When you're stressed, your wave is jagged and spiky.

Good Waves. When you're relaxed, your wave becomes smooth and consistent, like a sine wave.
How It Works
From beat to beat, your heart rate naturally increases and decreases in a cycle, known as HRV, or Heart Rate Variability. Using an infrared sensor, the StressEraser measures HRV from the pulse in your fingertip and displays it as a wave. HRV is considered to be the most accurate, non-invasive measurement of your nervous system activity. HRV biofeedback is clinically proven over decades of peer-reviewed research to promote stress relief and relaxation training.

The wave is like a window into your nervous system. When you're stressed, your wave is jagged and spiky; when you're relaxed, your wave becomes smooth and consistent, like a sine wave.

How You Use It
The StressEraser uses simple biofeedback symbols — squares and triangles — to cue your breathing. Triangles indicate the "peak" of the wave — that is, the fastest point of your heart rate in your HRV cycle. Squares provide a scoring system for your waves, so you know when you are focused and breathing properly.

Your goal is to time your inhale/exhale rate so that you begin your exhale at the moment that the triangle appears at the wave peak. It may take several triangles for you to completely sync up, so be patient. There's no hurry! Remember your goal is to relax.

Studies show that HRV biofeedback shows more benefits over time. After a few days and weeks, you'll be able to relax in just minutes. The more you use it, the better you'll feel!

What's in the Box
StressEraser personal biofeedback device, Owner's Manual, Quick-Start card, Warranty registration card, two AAA batteries, protective case

Price: $179.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年5月15日 星期日

I Can Relax! A Relaxation CD for Children

I Can Relax! A Relaxation CD for ChildrenIt's easy to tell your children "Just relax and stop worrying so much!", but this is rarely effective in reducing their feelings of stress and anxiety. Relaxation strategies such as progressive muscle relaxation and visual imagery have been shown to be extremely effective treatment components for child anxiety, and also can be great general stress reducers for children. Now your child can learn specific relaxation skills that he or she can use anywhere.

Written by Dr. Donna Pincus, creator of The Child Anxiety Network (www.childanxiety.net), the I Can Relax! CD focuses on teaching children relaxation skills while also promoting positive self-image. Appropriate for children ages 4 to 12, The I Can Relax! CD features the voice of Dr. Pincus along with music and sound effects.

Dr. Donna Pincus, Editor and creator of The Child Anxiety Network, is a Research Associate Professor at Boston University, and the Director of the Child and Adolescent Fear and Anxiety treatment Program at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University. Dr. Pincus received her graduate training in Clinical Psychology at SUNY Binghamton, specializing in the assessment and treatment of childrens fears and anxieties, and childrens coping with stressful events. Dr. Pincus completed her internship and post-doctoral training at the University of Florida Health Sciences Center. Dr. Pincus is currently the Principal Investigator of an NIMH funded study investigating the development of a treatment for young children with separation anxiety disorder. She has given numerous talks and workshops on child anxiety to parents, teachers, students and healthcare professionals. Among her media appearances, Dr. Pincus was recently interviewed on the NBC Today show, Nick News, National Geographic, Womens Lifetime Television Network, and was featured in a 20/20 ABC News segment on childhood panic disorder.


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2011年5月14日 星期六

Choosing the Best Stress Relief Toys

In the past, Nerf balls were one of the most popular stress relief toys. These balls were different from the other balls. These were safe, so much so that you could even throw it off to someone without the fear that it could put his eye out or crack his skull.

Recently though, stress relief toys are becoming more and more popular. They even come in various types nowadays. Earlier, they came up with something that resembles the Nerf ball. It is a tiny, spongy thing that you can just hold and squeeze every time you feel your stress is escalating. After a while, they came up with a small basketball hoop, which you can fasten to your office wall. Some employees would try to crumple their memos or any paper from the office and use them as their balls.

Afterwards, dart boards became famous. Employees often place the image of their irritating boss over the board and clearly aim their dart at that image. It effectively provided the employees some level of satisfaction.

From then on, greater developments have been made on stress relief toys. Manufacturers incorporate science and human senses just to come up with an excellent kind of toy that will provide more use and not just plain crushing.

A lot of products have come out on the market. Most of them are made out of interesting elements that give immediate stress relief whenever, squeezed, stretched or touched. There are now various types of stress balls, they come in a beanbag, liquid Chinese type of stress balls that you could just roll in your hands.

Stress relief toys are truly effective and what is good about them, is that they are affordable. Here are some of the stress relief toys that you can try out yourself.

Massage Toys

We already know the effectiveness of massage to reduce the stress, anxiety and how it can help improve the mood. The stress massage toys also provide the same benefits. Just get yourself some animal-shaped hand held mini-massager; it will instantly give you relief. The plush toys also provide the same outcome.

Meditation Toys

Mediation toys such as puzzles can effectively relax your mind. Aside from that, people enjoy playing with them too. It helps a lot in switching the persons thoughts to solving the puzzles. Rubik's Cube became very popular in the 70's, however; some found themselves more stressed instead of feeling relaxed since the cube looked unsolvable. Nowadays, manufacturers decided to be more artistic and creative with their products. The puzzles become more challenging, building blocks that should be placed together to remove opens spaces in between was invented.

Interactive Toys

Those who love gardening will surely enjoy the Zen Garden stress relief toys. It is composed of tiny boxes with different styles. It consists of a backyard garden, a construction zone, a sandbox and a whole lot more. To free yourself from stress, you just have to design your scene. You can clean pebbles, haul rocks and move sand.

Funny Toys

Since laughter is the best medicine, it also is the best in stress relief. Manufacturers realize this, so they created humorous, funny toys that one can have fun using. One of the famous humorous toys is the rubber stick-on toys. These toys come in different comical shapes and work by flinging them against the walls, doors or ceilings and see how long they can stick to them. What is more fun is when they land in unusual and unpredictable positions that is quite funny and at the same time, entertaining.

Slinky Toys

There were slinky toys a few years back, however, they were not as good as the ones we have now. They are now made in plastic, but there are also some that are made out of the classic material. They are good to use in think tanks since they can aid in concentration, while at the same time, giving stress relief. Slinkies made out of plastics are more ideal to use, since they do not produce noise that will disturb other thinkers in the same room.

Carl Walters is a stress relief enthusiasts and enjoys helping people take control of their lives through a positive mind set and stress management tips. To learn about stress relief gifts and other stress management tips, visit http://www.stressrelieftutor.com.

Stress Relief Games Are Not an Oxymoron - How to Lower Your Stress by Playing Games Online and Off

Stress relief games? Not too long ago, I hadn't even heard of the concept. But then, life used to be a whole lot less stressful. Most people's daily routines gave them all the tension relief they needed. But times have changed. In the age of multi-tasking and ever-expanding workloads, we need all the help we can get to allow our bodies and our emotions to recover from that constant stress overload.

One effective way to ease stress is by physical activity, and sitting in front of a computer all day doesn't qualify. People used to haul bales of hay, sweep stairs, or plough fields as part of their days' work, and if they were stressed, that surely would have taken care of excess stress hormones. But what are we supposed to do in cubicle world?

As it turns out, stress relief games, some of them available right on your computer, are just the ticket. If you're an internet junkie, you probably know all about them already. There are entire websites that specialize in games for stress relief.

If you'd rather get away from the computer, though, there are some excellent offline games you can play as well.

The key is to find games that offer an escape from stress rather than create more of it. Some computer games can easily have the opposite effect from what you want to achieve. You want games that take your mind off whatever is causing tension by making you focus on something else. But you don't want to start getting stressed all over again.

Here's a case in point of what can happen: personally, I find Sudoku quite relaxing - but only if it's not too difficult. It has to be hard enough to be absorbing, but not so hard that I'm starting to worry that I can't solve it. Some people actually time themselves when doing Sudoku - probably part of making it competitive, but that would spoil it for me.

Here are 5 of the best stress relief games you play to tame excess tension

1. Card games, like Solitaire, that involve logical thinking. You can do these on the computer or the traditional way with a deck of cards.

2. Word games that use your creative and logical thinking processes. When you involve both sides of your brain in an activity, there is little room to focus on the stress.

3. Puzzles of various kinds, like chess, checkers and crosswords. Challenges that are not stressful can be both fulfilling and a relief. These are especially good if your stress is being caused by an especially difficult project. Winning a few games helps restore your confidence and puts you in a better frame of mind to tackle that project. Oh, and of course, Sudoku belongs in that category.

4. Computer games can be fun and relaxing or stressful, so choose wisely. Arcade games can relieve a lot of pent-up tension and anger, but if a time limit is put on the game, this can add to your stress level. If you are adversely affected by certain games, choose different ones next time.

5. Games involving physical activity are especially good for relieving stress, especially if they're played outdoors. Tennis and golf are two time-tested favorites. The physical exertion decreases the levels of stress hormones that have built up in your body.

Next time you feel the tension rising, take a break. Search online for games that you can enjoy while reducing your stress levels. If time and opportunity permit, get away for awhile. Hit the golf course or tennis court for a quick game.

And if you recognize yourself or someone you care about in this article, you are invited to get Elisabeth Kuhn's FREE report with seven stress-reducing strategies.

If you want Elisabeth's full-sized version instead, with lots more strategies (including an introduction to EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique), just go to http://www.InstantStressReliefStrategies.com for instant stress relief.